Several months ago, I was discussing in a Facebook group a passage in Paul’s Letter to the Ephesian Church, specifically regarding the relations of husbands and wives as outlined in 5:21-33. It’s a passage I’m very familiar with and have read and heard, and heard preached on, countless times (including at my wedding). But while I was looking through the passage and breaking it down for specific applications of each cluster of verses, I noticed something I’d never noticed before. While the translated texts of Scripture (and untranslated, if you’re a serious scholar) are readable and we can draw conclusions from them, for fuller and richer understanding we need the Spirit of God themself. Throughout the New Testament writings it’s mentioned that God works through his Spirit and that we need the Spirit for true understanding and revelation. I believe that this moment of insight as to a deeper interpretation of part of the Ephesians passage was an example of this working by God to reveal himself.

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